The Great Specific Garbage Catch

"The Great Specific Garbage Catch" is a one-act play, an interrupted monologue, a fever dream, a loud echo of your deepest fears about climate change. "She" is a climate activist protesting the global lack of action by sitting-in on the Great Pacific Garbage Patch - a feat only made possible in the theater.

Untitled Theatre Company Workshop Cast
Bruin Fringe Fest Cast


"Parts" is a one-act play exploring the relationships between humans, cyborgs, robots, and bugs. Set in the not-so-distant future, "Alice" begins their transformation into a cyborg with the reluctant help of their aunt, "Cataline." Their housemaid robot, "Ilee" has been mysteriously and consistently low on charge. Alice resolves to figure out what she's been up to in the middle of the night.
Grace Lu as Ilee, Carol Mulumba as Catalina, Al Hiceano de Góngora as Alice
Driving Towards

"Driving Towards" is a 10-minute play surrounding a 3 person family. Set in a car, the parents discuss their cross country move to support their nonbinary child.

Top Row: Aerin Geary, Tyler Neufeld, Jessica Reed, Avery Beckman, Alyana Nurani
Bottom Row: Beverly D'Andrea, Lauren Lau, Sarah Lina Sparks, Chelsea Dai


"Teleolakegical" is a full-length radio play exploring the self-indulgent "what-ifs" of a trans man returning to Lake Ralph - the Christian summer camp of his childhood - as a counselor and an undercover atheist.

Top Row: Cerulean Long, Chip Agarwal, Ronia Green, Tyler Neufeld, Ian Cardamone, Mason Lehman, Brooke Lebidine, Anoushka Hemnani, Seth Holt, Amanda Kang, Jess Reed, Bianca Bishop
Bottom Row: Zach Chasen, Al Hiciano de Góngora, Daisy Friedman, Anais Barradas Gauna, Runic Smith

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