
You are an intern exploring an underground NASA bunker/laboratory abandoned by one Doctor Ally Ean, who’s been missing for several weeks. Find out what she was researching, and try to take control of the lab for yourself! One problem - you’ll need to turn off the radiation lamp before the mutations start to affect you. If you’re really a human and not an alien, you should be able to solve the clues in 1 hour.

Drawn by Al Hiciano De Góngora

To request a Zoom/Prezi playthrough, please email!
Zoom bookings are $20 per person, with a recommended group size of 2-4.

Player Reviews

"I liked that there were different parts of the puzzle that were interlocking, like intertwining, even when they were at first seemingly from different parts of it!"
- Cade

"Even though it's in a dorm, it was just as exciting and challenging as a room you'd pay 60, 70 bucks for. "
- Ben

"I think this is definitely one of the best experiences you can have at UCLA."
- Elena

"I liked the consistency of the story, and how you could tell exactly what happened in here based on the clues that we found."
- Al